
News Portal For Eeverything In Nepal from Nepal

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Who we are

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About Us: Nepal watch news portal is running by joint initiative of reputed journalists. The journalists engaging by Nepal Watch are among the qualified journalists having more than ten years of experience in mainstream newspapers and online news portals.

Our edition, comprehensively covers current affairs, politics, social, and business, health, education, tourism, entertainment, anti-corruption and governance issues among others.

Investigative report is the key feature and strength of this online portal. This portal was created with the motive of providing online news both languages Nepali &, English medium. The vision of the company is to watch and make public aware on corruption & irregularities in public and private sectors. The portal will also focus on good governance and interested to create a strong economical foundation towards the corporate sectors.

We are always standing for independence, fairness and impartialities; these are the significant ethical considerations. In present days journalism has been a business first and a profession second. However, it will try its level best to display professionalism and at the same time acquired business satisfying to clients and readers as well.

Editorial Policy: We always interested to create a trustworthy and reliable content with journalistic point of view and dedicated to respect media law declared by the government. Our news and editorial content will be fully balanced and give equal priority in every aspect of the social issues.  We are keen interest to follow the democratic norms and values and always loyal on our ethical standard. We are committed to condense any controversial and unethical view. Our motto is to play the watch dog in our surroundings and give higher value for constitutional provisions and also responsible for secured a human rights.

Privacy Policy: We are professional media and always respect our readers, supporters, and all supportive wings belonging towards us. Without we feel legal pressure in every detail of individuals who are directly and indirectly connected with us will be kept our date very secretly. We are not willing to share your personal information towards the third party in any cost of situation which is our professional ethics. Nepal watch uses all the tools and technologies to gather visitor’s information through Google and other platforms.

Collaboration: The present world is rapidly changes by different factors. So, we are also interested to accept such changes like information and technology as well as development of advancement. We are always trying our new ideas to tie-up with national, global and local digital media with audience views and perspective. So, Nepal Watch Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. would like to explore its horizon across globally and seek continuous growth and expansion. Our aim to presenting the world before our valuable readers and audience we are ready to collaborate with all interest of media for the mutual benefit.

Contributors: We Nepal watch team have the good worldwide network of media contributors as well as various fields, interest and discipline. In terms of coverage of this digital media are not limited and we are not creating any boundaries like nationality, class, gender, ideology as well as religions. However, we don’t accept any article from even highly defined intellectual in their writing content provocative, biased, and anti-national sentiment. All the audiences and belonging our wings have to fully honor their own rights.

The news portal is running by joint initiative of reputed business personalities and the journalists. The journalists engaging by Nepal Watch are among the top journalists having more than ten years of experience in mainstream newspapers and online portals.

Editorial Board: Our editorial board embraces a distinguished personality with sound knowledge on diverse filed ranging from mass media to cultural diversification. Our executive editor will have overall command and editors and sub-editors are involved to look after their specific sector. However, final authority lies on the executive editor regarding the selection of contents.

Chairman/ News Chief    :           Pushpa Dhungana

Feed Back: We believe in creative suggestion and advice so we would like to invite for fair and creative judgment, suggestion, and criticism on our content as well as layout. We are always respecting our positive commentators, clients, contributors, and valued readers on any issue you recommend and prefer for publish and demonstrate. We think your all verbal and written feedback is our valuable assets and we give significant value over this content.  We are also respect and response your queries and will keep them secretly as required. We are eager to prompt response your e-mail. Please feel free to suggest with your critical opinion through our [email protected] or [email protected]. You can directly dial our official telephone number: +977 1 5261175 / 5261176.

Facebook Page           :           NepalWatch | Facebook

Youtube                      :           (14) NepalWatch – YouTube
Twitter                       : 
LinkedIn                     : 

Legal Concerns: Nepal Watch has a qualified and distinguished legal advisor who will look after all the legal aspect. We are totally bear by the fundamental human rights freedom of expression as well as intellectual property rights provisioned in Nepalese constitution.

Mission: will help to carry out publicity and other campaigns to expand partner company’s activities and services in Kathmandu as well as the rest part of the country. We will faithfully be involved in digital journalism to establish its brand and create new standard. Through partnership with national and international digital media we will be established as a professional and trustworthy media center in near future.

Vision: Nepal Watch is focusing the news to the province portal in Nepal. We cover all the news from seven provinces with create a trustworthy environment among readers, viewers, listeners and clients. We are not only publishing negative messages and news content to our audiences but also we have had created the Good News category to provide positive vibes for our audiences.

Objective: To be a trustworthy media center among our readers, clients, viewers we are concerning to cover the authentic and investigative articles with knowledgeable standard to maintain our standard.
Without a professional and strong team neither we can achieve our goal nor we can create a new way of media practice. So, we have brought about an energetic, dedicated, honest team. Each of us has been delegated to perform specific task. However our executive editor will look after the overall work in our media.

Terms of Use:

We team Nepal Watch consider that you fully accept our terms and conditions while you use our web portal It will be based on intellectual property rights that over all published information on this site. It will be absolutely abide by the rule and regulations of copy right anyone can enjoy, view, download and copy the materials for the personal purpose. By using you agree to be legally guaranteed by the terms and conditions and failure to agree to be legally bound will prohibit you to access and use our web portal.

Following activities are strictly prohibited:

  • Republication of materials published on this web portal
  • Reframing, redistributing, reproducing, distorting and duplication of the materials
  • Using any contents unlawfully any changes made to the terms and conditions will be published on the page and concerned individuals are suggested to follow.

Who we are: We are a group of professional journalists, good writers, social activists and entrepreneurs. We are eligible for digital media operation strategy.  Our concern will be focused to increase trust between our readers and audience as well as our viewers. We propose to develop this digital media in a true spirit of journalism based on Nepal. Our prime concern will be impartial presentation of issues making it more interesting and acceptable.